
Mp4 to davinci resolve mac
Mp4 to davinci resolve mac

mp4 to davinci resolve mac

There's a 99 cent version on the Microsoft store here -> HEVC Extensions paid download. Windows 10 needs HEVC extensions to decode H.265. I first tried installing Quicktime for Windows 10, which can be downloaded here -> Quicktime Download, to ensure MOV files could be played, but that wasn't the trick. Feeling slightly deflated after all the excitement of first attempt.

mp4 to davinci resolve mac

Thanks for looking, and please help if you can. H265, MP4 for post, grading etc.Ĭan anyone advise what I might be doing wrong? Many searches online have not yet revealed an answer, so thought better to ask here as many of you are seasoned filmakers and some for sure using Davinci Resolve 15. I assumed Davinci Resolve 15 cannot handle H265 up until a search online revealed many using Davinci Resolve 15 for D-Log. The real unexpected dissapoint was I can't do anything with H265 in Davinci Resolve 15! The file icons are red when imported, with the words Media Offline. PC didnt recognise or play files, and likely no codec for H265, but not a problem so will grab that later. Copied files to my reasonably powerful windows 10 i7, 64 gig, 2 TB SSD machine. H265, MP4, just a few small files of a minutes flight. Brief background, today for first time I flew my MP2 in D-Log. Possibly not the best place to post, but hoping someone here may point me in the right direction.

Mp4 to davinci resolve mac